A really productive meeting at the TRACs neighbourhood centre on Wednesday, with NTU staff and researchers, community organisers and Sneinton based community groups coming together to look at the design options created by the NTU students.
The various options were creative and interesting, ranging from a curvy community table to a very simple box made of recycled wood. All the designs showed a lot of promise and only after much debate were we able to settle on a single option to take forward. At the end of the day, simplicity, flexibility and ease of manufacture and transport won out.
As a lecturer and research at NTU, a Sneinton resident and a member of Sneinton Alchemy it was great for me to see this project coming together so well - with really good community listening to inspire the ideas, great development of those ideas, and community 'ownership' of the final decision making. It's also great to have a built, tangible product coming out of this process - ideas are great but it's good to have something built sometimes!