To enable the Mapping Nottingham's Identity to develop a brief, it was necessary to further understand the percpetions of the area. In terms of understanding the desires of the public, we undertook a Strengths Weaknesses Opprtuniities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. The aim of the SWOT analysis was the recognise the perceived strengths and the opportunities and desires of the site. As there was no pre-defined brief for the ‘Ideate/Design’ phase of this project, the SWOT aimed to provide a bottom up approach for an agenda for the design.

From all of the research we have been doing, gathering perceptions of the area in the form of a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. Instead of showing boring statistics, we decided to show the results from this feedback as a word cloud. The bigger words being the ones that came up predominantly and the smaller ones were less common.